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Is it a crime to be
physically beautiful
Some are born with it
Some use means to enhance it
But most do not have either
So !
Then starts the question
of beauty of soul
The need within to be loving ,
pure and a complete whole
Is it a crime to be beautiful
physically , mentally and
Then the visions of angels they sing
Angels dwell on earth too
with hidden wings
Why look at the outer
Look at the inner beauty
And do not get distracted
by the face cutie
Let such words appear
When trapping the
outer picture disappears
How many can see within
When their eyes are stuck
on rosy white skin
These thoughts looked
strange to me
As everyone around me
looked the same
in my homeland
It was when thrown
in a contrast land
genetically different
That I became an angel
One, who in her land
just plain and simple
Not my fault at all
Ask God, make a call
But people beautiful outside
can also be beautiful inside
Do not label their looks
and make them appear
as crooks
For they see themselves
as you do yourself
It is you who cannot
see them as yourself
And label them devils
And sometimes angels
And babble about souls
And pretend to have changed
your fixed goals.
But actually a heart of coal.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit net

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