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In every madness of mine
A little bit of my love shines
You could not it, ever see
As you never had time to love me
Dear all can’t be said
Had you paid attention
To my volatile tantrums
You could have read them
There was no need to condemn
Dear all can’t be said
This madness had love within
You just needed to rip this coating thin
There was a heaven waiting
Love so innocent and satiating
Dear all can’t be said
My madness increased
Your nearness decreased
You said this was living hell
And walked out so well
Dear all can’t be said
But you entered into wilderness
My life an unsolved emptiness
All I needed were frequent hugs
Here and there some playful tugs
Dear all can’t be said
A little bit of loving touch
Even if it was an angry clutch
When my madness was at the peak
It would have done the magical trick
Dear all can’t be said
But all you saw was the madness
Not the love and hidden sadness
The acute craving and the distress
Your dead heart could never guess
Dear all can’t be said
You thought about it with head
Viewed me as an unbuttered bread
But the adamant ass that I am
Kept knocking you like a wild Ram
Dear all can’t be said
For I wanted you to read me right
Draw out the curtains , let in bright light
Clear your visions of the wrong you sight
Kept hope burning , one day you might.
Dear all can’t be said
©sunita grover raina 2022

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