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She yet has to learn the art of love
Always a failure in the corner shoved
Should she give it a try as others do
Ask questions around as to who is who
Check well their pockets, check well their looks
Having parents dead is a better hook
They will answer all, if you a cute dame
Or you get kicked around till you turn lame
If their pockets are full then your looks only counts
If no looks are there then qualities mount
Her soul pulled soul and fell in love
Then a fault would appear and in a corner shoved
I tell my friends we should all wear tags
Stating gender ,age , marital status, religion to brag
Be selective and pick the right guy which suits
Then chase that person be successful in pursuit
This is love what I am made to understand
Both get what they needed and happy around
One goes to the east and the other to the west
Everything they have but still empty their nest
She was attracted to a person with a sense of humour
Slowly it turned to love and floated were lots of rumour
He turned out to be a married man
And she in love as a devoted fan
It was not love unrequited
Neither a physical need that had got ignited
They understood that there are no explanations
And they moved away before it became an uncontrollable situation
But does that mean this love was nonsense
In her eyes no, still gets her the same response
His wife he loved as it had become a habit
A good woman who had never wronged even a bit
He did no wrong , nor did she any
Love sees love, labels we have given many
Now why sit in the corner dear and think about life
Go check their pockets and then become a wife.
It is your looks that they want and not your loving heart
What difference does it make if you sit corners apart
Oh! dear you too move as others are moving
Or they will hang a new label, again disapproving.
©sunita grover raina 2022
photo credit net

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