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Ever tried whispering love to trees
And watch in response the dancing leaves
The ripples of glee move down their trunks
Roots tap dancing under heavy earth chunks.
The cool air, start fanning your tired temples.
Sweet fragrance from their hearts
as a sign of welcome.
If possible, sing a song to them
and watch in awe, branches tugging your hem.
If you could smile at them and hug them tight.
Those branches might grasp,
Oh! what a lovely sight.
Try yelling and scaring these sensitive trees.
The good will vanish but the quivering leaves.
Show them the hatchet or grind an axe near.
The ripples of glee now waves of fear.
Air cool with fright change to drops of tears.
For to them also their lives are dear.
Open your ears , hear what they say.
Are they begging for mercy and if you may.
For, no crime or wrong they have ever done.
But for selfish you ,they were objects of fun.
If they went around
chopping your dear ones.
Would you be relaxing under
or for your life, would you run .
photo credit net

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