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The vibes of love reaches you
before it physically touches you
Those energies so strong
that one can spend full life time
soaked in it not realizing
that time has come to leave
this world
People get addicted to worries , drugs and alcohol
If only they were taught to get addicted to love
The word sadness would have vanished
And death would be embraced as a long lost friend
For love will not let you die
Diseases would not dare to take birth
As this is the creation of our sick and corrupt minds
Deprived of love
Love is such an energy that you slowly diffuse in it
For it is everywhere for you to mingle with
And nothing really matters when you are it
But make it a habit to breathe in
and breathe out love
Watch your breaths they say and meditate
I say meditate love
breaths will be fine
on their own.
(c)sunita grover raina2021
photo credit net

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