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His dream world is a non ending
resonating rhythmic poetry
Which will keep forming
with his Cosmic dance
We just blank our minds
and call it thinking
Actually thieves are we
stealing bits and pieces of his work
And hum what we hear
which he pushes into our ears
We quickly save it on paper
Like gems locked in a locker
Lest it vanishes from mind
Lest it gets stolen by time
And if it does you can never
ever hear it again
The same song never again
For what we hear
Is that living moment
And every moment gets lost
Becomes the lost past
You won’t even remember it
However hard you might think
For your brain gets washed
like a car in a car wash
If it ever resurfaces
It is the echoing words
Which are sometimes heard
And sounds like the dead poet’s words
In someone’s rosy poesy
Every being is a poet
Can anytime sing a duet
Every molecule of our body
Is dancing in his rhapsody
For all his divine music is
following his divine dance
Following him in a trance
Like the Pied Piper
of Hamelin
Copyright@sunita grover raina2021
Photo credit net

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