So precious your comment
That it triggers a chain reaction
Faster than a nuclear reactor
So precious your comment
That an untouched scrolled over poem
Attracts the bees to the wilted flower
So precious your comment
That a discarded poem at dawn
Becomes a master piece by dusk
So precious your comment
That poets post in forums
Seeing your green light on
So precious your comment
That even a negative one
Is welcomed as a positive one
So precious your comments
That all are vying for it
By hook or by crook
So precious your comment
That an unnoticed poet
Becomes a celebrity overnight
So precious your comment
To get one of yours and as bonus more
Tag you with 89 selected as a daily chore
So precious your comment
That poets like me stare at your likes
And wish that a comment comes
So precious your comment
Even one seen in the dream
Works as magic for the struggling ones
So precious your comment
At times just freely give to all
And watch how wars are won
c/r sunita grover raina2021
photo credit net