There was a time
When hard I tried
to jump and catch the moon
However hard I leaped in air
Wished I had a magical stair
I never could get the moon
I would slowly walk
without a sound
To stalk the moon
and its silvery round
But never could I bring it
down to ground
Was always ahead
Oh! how can he?
I ran like a gazelle but the same to see
How dare he ran faster than me
Ah! the day before my eyes did come
Found him reclining on my mango tree
Just you see how I get to thee
Stole the ladder to grab him tight
Climbed to the top forgotten my fright
Fully sure I will catch him right
When I reached the top he flew higher up
I watched in amaze like my baby pup
watches when made to jump
to grab his sup.
(c)sunita grover raina2021
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