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I need to be loved
I no longer can wait
for wild promises made
My present needs quenching
The future can wait
Every second of life,
is moving ahead
My present is bland,
being wrongly misled
Colouring my life
Why should I dread
I need to be loved
before I am dead
The doors and the windows
Open on their own
My feet are now axing
the roots that had grown
They stare at the door
And want to move out
No fear in my soul
I can loudly shout
I had caged my heart
If by chance be cheated
Let whatever happen
Let it be badly treated
For it is always better
to savor the wine
Rather than saying
the grapes are not fine
I need to be loved
I no longer can wait
for wild promises made
My present needs quenching
The future can wait.
c/r@sunita grover raina2021
photo credit net

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