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Another year will soon fly by
How many more who knows guys
To leave this world I have no fear
What bothers me is to leave you dears
I move around I ask around
Were the ones who left ever been found
None can a proper answer give
Sadness descends ,please forgive
Now listen to me my loved dear ones
He did not bring us in this world for fun
This life we live is the larval stage
The better part comes after we age
The world hereafter, young adults we be
Our ages more or less twenty three
No one ages or dies in that place
Only love around with no rat race
Embrace death as this is a blessing
Doors will open with death’s kissing
What all we dread is what should be loved
For it takes us to the world, we all crave for
We are bound to meet in the other world
A world so wondrous just as we heard
Though I ask around but I know the song
Which is singing within the heart that dongs
Dear God who made this lovely earth
Will never desert us on death berth
He is waiting for every child of his
To show us his paradise a place of bliss.
©sunita grover raina2021
Photo credit net

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