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Never will I go on a date with a bard
And that too in a well packed bar
It started well with music and wine
Red roses set on the table to dine
How nice the ambience all around
My thoughts getting charged and loosening
the bonds
Red wine and red roses hitting the head
Eyes locked with bard ,heart bared to be read
Mind waiting for sweet words to emerge from lips
All he did was, swallow in gulps and me in sips
Being a bard I was told he would be oozing out poetry
Romantic ones never ever recorded as floetry
My patience now slipping ,took out a pen
And threw a challenge at all drinking men
All that needed were two lines of praise
For their sweethearts sitting face to face
The one who won would be pecked by all dames
And overnight his name would be in the hall of fames
Relaxed thinking this bard would surely win
Alas! bartender was the winner with a lovely grin
So deft was he that for every belle he wrote
All went home happy in their hands was his quote
My fault for going on a ‘bard blind date’
Sweet desires unmet, reached home late.
©sunita grover raina2021
Photo credit net

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