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Once again I picked my pen to drive
Waiting for some words to magically arrive
At times I think should a letter be sent
Just leave it to breeze, wherever it went
The kid said ,”tie it to the kite I fly”
Let your letter soar we can always try
You send your thoughts I fly your letter
Let us see which way reaches him better
The kite went higher and higher above
With it tied tightly was all my love
Staring at it like fools were we
Out of no where came an eagle we see
It cut the string and took away the kite
Along with it went my letter bound tight
It flew and vanished in the dense white clouds
Both of us sad now with our heads fully bowed
He lost his kite and I my letter
The kid more sad thinking my way was better
Our eyes saw the kite swaying slowly down
We ran towards it, was moving to neighbour’s lawn
The kite we caught but no letter was there
The kid was happy ,I wiped his tears
He jumped like a frog and yelled I win
My kite is back your letter taken ,he grinned
I went back home back to my desk to ponder
The screen had the first line typed for me to wonder
I do not know how these words arrived
“Once again I picked my pen to drive”
This is the poem the given line became
Both the kid and me in his eyes were same
He got back his kite and me my line
Both of us happy both of us fine.
The one up there is ever with us
Keep trust in him ,nothing more to discuss.
©sunita grover raina2021
Photo credit net

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