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Would love to be a floating thought
And enter the souls of people sought
What goes in their heads I do not know
Would love to settle as a thought and sow
My words they hear, but none pay heed
When things get worse my presence they need
I am not an angel with a magic wand
Who can turn to gold the grains of sand
I gave my life to settle their things
As soon as one settles the other rings
No one has time to ask me ever
Is this flush of emotions or fever
For they think I have come from some other world
I now believe so, to quieten thoughts unfurled
How I wish at times they would look at me
My desires locked within for years, they would see
So easy to merge with these selfish lots
Just pretend no grey matter you have got
Let them use you, let them bruise you
It is my wish, I allow, this is true
But in doing so I have learnt a lot
I can’t see , but something I surely have got
Like a magnet I now pull people around
Hues of love wrapped neatly in gifts I found
They too tell me , from this world you are not
I look in the mirror if two wings and a wand have I got.
©sunita grover raina2021

photo credit net

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