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One more wicket down
Yesterday fell another crown
My shuttler partner
A daredevil and dear
A debater king
Who could grow wings
Fly to the mountains
Walk miles and carry tons
Loved clashing brains together
None surrendered to each other
It was a non ending war
Just looked so from far
Smiled, when I loudly yelled, help!
to stop him
All angles he clicked with his cameras
and wicked grin
All my criminal cases he taught me to win
Though not a lawyer, even judges praised him
He was the fake enemy, he was the friend
Till his last day, his ways he never did mend
Cancer caught him for seven years
Every day he lived without any fears
If one knew to live, it was my this hero
I accept defeat, you were right I am a zero
Hey life! my life looks like a cricket game
Keep bowling googlies, keep erasing names
Where have you placed me ,the eleventh man
It will be a winning strike, won’t let down my fans.
©sunita grover raina2022

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