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I deleted all the sadness of my past
Without thinking, at a speed too fast
Wanted to throw it all in the bin
A sinner it made me look with sins
The loss around was destined to be
Still all around put the mark on me
I fought with God and I stopped the time
Loss did happen , I too lost my shine
I deleted so fast, in it, good got squashed
Sloshed on tears, good too got washed
They say, the memories will keep you alive
These memories were slowly, doping me to die
Nothing of past will ever be seen
A new road taken, let them brand me as mean
The two things in life, which my heart ever craved
Love and laughter, in my heart always saved
No force in this world can delete these two
They will live on forever, for both are true
I have no space in me, for anything less swell
Body , mind –soul, in my heart, now do dwell
With the bad and the sad the good did not go
Back up copy, of good, my heart will ever show
Those who can laugh and those who can love
My heart is kept open, just fly in peace doves.
©sunita grover raina2022

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