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Love can never be explained
When I sieved life
Nothing in sieve remained
All slipped out as love
All passed the test of love
For life is love
And love is life
Just reflections
A matter of introspection
Words cannot create emotions
Emotions need to soak the words
Half of my words now in dustbin
Not needed to complicate my being
Love existed then, love exists now
The intensity did not diminish
Rather understanding diminished
with knowledge
Words are the culprit
Since they could not evoke emotions
More and more words they created in tons
For all you need to say is
I Love you
Even if this is difficult
Eyes will speak out
for you
Most of the love lost
In this world
Is because of eyes unread
And these three words unsaid
And now they throttle love
with words insipid
No wonder
Love is dead
For a look is enough to
drown you.
©sunita grover raina2022
photo credit to the owner

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