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Wish I could be that carefree Squirrel,
with a bouncing fluffy tail to twirl.
Jump up and down anything I wanted.
Zigzagging Marigold bushes planted.
Dance a few steps , then look around dazed.
Skip the thorns ,stop to stare at rose amazed.
Sometimes on two feet and sometimes on four.
Eating less nuts and hiding them more.
All day long it is fun and game.
Where to hide them being the only aim.
Sniffing them out with wet quivering nose.
Soulful eyes pleased , as in it goes.
Hang from the branches and hide behind leaves.
Peep at all and then jump the trees.
Sing to my heart content and go chirp, chirp,chirp .
Leave people puzzled , was that a bird.
What I did would be radiating love.
Love, kissing eyes of everything around.
What more do I want but a pawful of nuts.
And play in the lap of this wonderful Earth.
(c)sunita grover raina2021

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