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What a weird creature he
Got under my skin
And spread like a rash
Maybe he has
no one else to target
Made my pressure rise
Looks like an enemy
From my past birth
For in this birth
I do not know him
But I will surely
get down to it
For something
surely bugs him
Do not see any other
in this creature flea
But weird surely he
At times loneliness
in barren places
With no company
Makes them look
a different breed
They buzz around
like a bee
But in actuality
It may also be that
this is just an act
To cause an allergy
They sting
To start the rash
For it is the reaction
That gives pleasure
To weird creatures
like he
Good I have got some
To play with the brains
of such breeds
I love playing…’Follow the leader’
Let the creature follow
While I lead.
These rashes will vanish
If his head I can read.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit-net

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