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My heart of love
has turned to evil
Finally he caught me
this smiling devil
Must be laughing
at my desperation
My soul is ready now
for damnation
I do not see
any new way out
He has trapped me nicely
my soul he has got
Why curse him
when I have
changed my ways
I look at him now and
hear what he says
All good in me
I tore asunder
All good in me
just sat and wondered
To devil I give
my soul to revive
I want to live
I want to be alive
What will I do
with this good in me
A laughing stock
now for others to see
Who can stop me
for now I am sold
I am moving along
his hands I now hold
If you have it in you
now pay for my trust
Or let me rot in hell
let my good soul rust
See hatred has entered
my heart within
Now devil is peeping
from my eyes to sin.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit- net.

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