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At times some sounds
in the present
Appear as echoes
of the past
At times some words
now spoken
Appear were words of
some birth, last
I am confident of it
No answer, I get to it
Only this, that I was part of
existence before
And maybe will be
forever, yes sure!
Energy cannot be
created or destroyed
My energy will ever be alive
and employed
But why was I made to
hear them again
What am I to
from this, to gain
Are they waiting for me
to appear
And somehow some energies
made me to hear
Oh! how disturbed
I do become
Oh! how restless to get
answers some
Nothing happens
nothing shows
I live with my past
and future, I know
In this very present
with both I have been
For I also see visions
which are yet to be seen.
The past is still resonating
and flashbacks I see
Who created my future
which at times I get to see
Three lives I live together in
three different time plains
Dear soul get the answers
to my present pending pains.
©sunita grover raina 2022
Photo credit-net

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