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All talk about Roses and Daffodils
Pansies and Chrysanthemums
Spirituality of Lotuses
The dainty Tulips
And flowers offered to deities
And also those offered to dead
But at the same time they are plucked and butchered
Their beauty and duty utilized and thrown to rot
Chief guests of a few days are they
What a life they have, they bloom to die
I am happy to be the unnoticed small wild flower
Swaying in the wind and enjoying my freedom
The butchers do come near me and appear to see
But get distracted by the dazzling big ones
My life is safe, viewed and left alone
Their wish is to possess the famed ones
Who turn to maimed ones
I am a small fry but equally beautiful to the eyes
Thank God! They are blind to small things in life
My name they do not know to circulate to murderers
I live my life fully, decorating the mother earth
Born with a destiny to take birth again and again
Go unnoticed and live eternally
Beautifying this world.
©sunita grover raina2022
Photo credit-net

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