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“MA” YA!
Did I think about my transfer from your womb to hers.
Yes I did.
Only to realize both were same,equally beautiful and protective.
Did I feel your absence when you left me.
Yes I did.
Only to understand ,you never really left,but merged with her.
Did I ever think what will happen to me.
Yes I did.
Only to be told, that I am destined to do my part.
Did I get tears in my eyes due to fear.
Yes I did.
Only to be shown that there are many waiting to wipe them.
I do not remember my nine months within.
Could not see anything .
But still felt safe in the darkness around.
Well fed, loved and contented.
You placed me in her womb.
To see this beautiful sight all around.
But with years I lost my sight.
And focussed on things which never really mattered.
Now it is time for me to enter your womb again.
I promise I will never make the mistake of thinking that this is ‘MAYA’…to distract me.
Yes this is “MA”….YA!!
(c)Sunita Grover Raina2021

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